Our Vision
South Norwood Primary School's Vision
South Norwood Primary School is a caring school which is dedicated to providing all children with extraordinary school days. Children access the curriculum through inspiring, relevant and inclusive experiences. We nurture and challenge our children to believe and succeed. To dream big and become global citizens in life beyond school.
The Pioneer Academy Vision
We put children first, pioneering excellence and championing each and every child. Safe - Happy - Learning
The Pioneer Academy Expectations
• Schools are safe and secure
• Safeguarding is effective and robust
• Similarities and differences are celebrated; everyone thrives and flourishes
• Pupils and staff are positive and succeed in a supportive environment
• Wellbeing for all
• High standards of attendance and enjoyment are outcomes of an inclusive TPA school
• Learning is achieved by the successful sequencing of memorable experiences
• Learners are engaged, resilient and enthusiastic
• Learning outcomes are ambitious due to knowledgeable and effective teaching
Celebration Assemblies
These are enjoyable assemblies which the children really look forward to because they have the opportunity to share their work or particular success of the week.