School Lunches
School lunches are supplied by ‘Nourish.' All meals are hot, with a choice where possible as well as a drink of water. (No sandwiches are provided).
All our children are entitled to free school meals. However, If you think you may be eligible for free school meals please check using the following website: or speak to a member of staff in the office, as the school will receive additional funding towards your child's education.
If you would prefer your child to bring a packed lunch from home, please note that under no circumstances must you put in any products that contain nuts. This includes hazelnut chocolate spreads such as Nutella. We have a number of children who are extremely allergic to nuts/nut products and who can suffer a life threatening reaction simply by being near them or touching surfaces where there may be nut product traces.
Healthy lunchbox ideas
Change4life healthier lunchboxes
Please ensure that you provide a balanced lunchbox.No sweets, chocolate bars or fizzy drinks are permitted.
If your child has a food allergy or is unable to eat certain foods, please inform the school office.
Free School Meals/Pupil Premium
All infant school children (Reception to Year 2) automatically receive free school meals but there are also pupils who are eligible for free school meals because their parents receive certain benefits. We would encourage all eligible parents/carers to sign up for free school meals and complete the paperwork to ensure that the school receives the Pupil Premium funding. If your child is in the juniors and is eligible for free school meals, please also apply for their younger siblings in the Infants.
Free schools meals are available to young children and slightly older children in state schools whose families are on low incomes or who receive benefits themselves.
Across England and Wales, children can receive free lunches (and sometimes milk) if their parents or guardians claim:
- Income support
- Income-based jobseeker’s allowance
- State pension guarantee credit
- Income-related employment and support allowance
- Child tax credit, as long as they don’t also receive working tax credit and earn no more than £16,190 (£16,105 in Scotland)
- Working tax credit four week ‘run-on’ after stopping work
- support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Universal Credit, if someone applied since April 2018 and their income is less than £7,400 a year after tax and not including benefits. (This threshold is different in Scotland and Northern Ireland.) If someone applied for UC before then, there is no income threshold.
If you need any advice as to how to claim or check eligibility, please contact the school office.