Holidays in term time
Holidays in term time are not permitted and any such absence will be marked as unauthorised and could be subject to a fine. It is important that children attend school regularly if they are to benefit from the learning opportunities provided. Children who are absent from school due to a holiday in term time will miss out on important learning. The time teachers have to help all the children in a class is reduced if they spend time helping a child to catch up after a holiday. Educational experiences in school missed as a result of a family holiday cannot be re-captured later. If your child does not attend school regularly, he/she will not be able to keep up with the work. This will have a serious impact on opportunities later in life.
Where a family chooses to take a holiday during term time, the absence will be coded as ‘unauthorised’ and a Penalty Notice may be issued by the Local Authority to each parent for each child (where 5 or more days of unauthorised absence are recorded as a result). The penalty is currently £120 per parent, per child / £60 if paid within 21 days). If this penalty is not paid the Local Authority will instigate legal proceedings against the parent/carer in the Magistrates Court.
Additionally, in compliance with the Education Act 436A (Chapter 2 Part 6) the school will, after making appropriate checks, report all Children Missing from Education to the Local Authority Education Welfare an Inclusion Service, who has a duty to investigate the whereabouts of such children and negotiate their prompt return to suitable education.
If a medical appointment takes place during school hours, parents will be asked to provide evidence such as a letter or appointment card in order for the absence to be authorised.