Admissions to Reception 2024-2025
Belvedere Infant School extends a warm welcome to all. Please contact the school to arrange a tour of the school, whether your child is joining at the beginning of the academic year or transferring in-year.
All Applications shall be received and offers made individually by the Local Authority in common with other Bexley Primary Schools.
The standard number for admissions to Reception is 90. The published admission number is inclusive of students with an Education, Health and Care Plan in accordance with the relevant statutory requirements.
All applications shall be made on line at
The Bexley School Admissions Brochure 2024 can also be found via the above link.
Our Admissions Policy can be found here.
If this is not possible a paper application form can be collected from the Civic Offices.
Admission to Nursery Classes 2024-2025
Admission numbers for nursery classes at Belvedere Infant and Nursery School are 26 for morning sessions and 26 for afternoon sessions. When there are sufficient spare sessions, full time places can be allocated.
Children with a statement of special educational need or an Education, Health and Care Plan naming a school will be admitted to that school as a result of that process and will be given precedence for admission.
In year applications
All applications should be directed to the London Borough of Bexley using their in-year application form available to download from
Applying for school in-year | London Borough of Bexley
The Local Authority holds all waiting lists for places that may become available throughout the year. Any child not offered a place will be placed on the waiting list. Parents have the statutory right of appeal.
Parents of children not offered places will also be informed of the appeals procedure. Parents have a statutory right to appeal in the event of Bexley admissions’ decision not to offer a place. Although Bexley is the admissions authority, an independent panel considers appeals and their decision is binding on both parties.
Please contact the school if you require further information and to book a tour of the school
0208 311 9092
Please click here to take you to our policies page where you can find out more information on appealing if you are unsuccessful in securing a place at Belvedere Infants school