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Computing Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact statement


At Belvedere Infant School, we aim to develop, confident, resilient and independent users of technology. They learn how to use the Internet safely and know to speak to trusted adults when they have any concerns. Our broad and engaging curriculum teaches children the key skills to use and engage with technology. At Belvedere Infant School, we believe that every child should be able to use technology safely and competently.


  • Each KS1 class has a lesson once a week using either the tablets or in the junior school computing suite
  • Each EYFS class has access to a range of digital and programmable toys or devices throughout the week
  • Children in Year 1 are taught to use a mouse and touchpad correctly and how to use a range of programmes confidently
  • Progress is recorded against short-focused tasks and where appropriate assessments are made
  • Children in Year 2 start each lesson with ten minutes touch typing and aim to  develop accurate typing skills
  • By the end of each unit pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the skills and processes outlined in the relevant programme of study
  • Online support materials are available for each lesson so children can work independently; they can revisit key learning and access work with extra challenge
  • Online safety has a whole school focus in the Autumn term, is the content of the first computing lesson of each half term and is taught in every lesson.


We know our computing curriculum is successful, when our children are confident in using a range of programs and can complete simple coding tasks. They can begin to use touch typing skills and use the mouse and keyboard effectively. They have an understanding of e safety.

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