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Home Learning

On these pages you will find many website links and resources that will support your child's learning. Please look under Year Groups tab and ClassDojo pages to find out what your child will be learning this term and photographs of their day at school.


Please continue to use and follow your child's class and school stories on ClassDojo. Here you will be kept up to date by the class teacher with regard to your child's class learning. We also encourage you to upload completed work and send photos of your child's learning - classmates love seeing each other on Class Dojo, it fosters a continued sense of class community, teachers are able to indentify whether there are any gaps in learning from your feedback and your child's completed work and therefore provide you with further work to address this. You are also able to message your child's class teacher on Dojo, making it a safe communication platform during a time when physical distancing is essential to keep each other safe.

If you have enquiries that are urgent, please contact the office on admin@belvedere-inf.bexley.sch.uk or on 0208 911 9092 and your concern will be passed on to the appropriate member of staff who will respond as soon as possible.


Staying Safe Online

Please be vigilant when  your children are accessing the internet for pleasure or for learning. Ensure parent controls are enabled as appropriate and please talk to your children about how to keep themselves safe and how to use the internet appropriately. 

There is a lot of information to be found at Internet Matters and at Thinkuknow

Watch the Jessie and Friends videos with your child on how to use the internet safely. 


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Various subjects

Children can access Espresso at home. This is something we use at school which has lots of videos and activities. Follow the link and click login, selecting Espresso.

  • User name for Espresso: student16994
  • Password for Espresso: belvedere









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