Welcome to Belvedere Infant School
A warm welcome to Belvedere Infant and Nursery School. I am proud to be the Head Teacher here and share with you all the incredible things going on in our school.
We are a 3 form Infant School with a Nursery attached and we work very closely with Belvedere Junior School.
We have 3 words that sum up what school is like for our children and work hard to ensure this happens every day.
Caring. Learning. Together.
Please browse the website where you will find lots of helpful information about us. Feel free to contact the school directly if you have any queries.
Laura Williams
Head Teacher

Admission to Nursery 2024/25
Children born between 1 Sept 2020 and 31 August 2021 will be due to start in Nursery in Sept 2024. Please apply online at: www.bexley.gov.uk/admissions. The closing date is Saturday 6 April 2024.
We are holding Open Sessions for you to come and view the school - please see details below:
Monday 5 February @ 10 a.m
Thursday 22nd February @ 9.30 a.m
Tuesday 5 March @ 9.30 a.m
Thursday 21 March @ 9.30 a.m
All sessions should last for approximately one hour.
Places are filling up fast so please book as soon as possible by calling 0208 311 9092 or email admin@belvedere-inf.bexley.sch.uk
We look forward to seeing you.
About Us